Institute of Management Education & Analyses

Distance learning MBA and Doctoral programs. College courses. Economics and Political science courses. Low cost diplomas. Job-oriented programs. Doctorate in Management. Study at home or office.

 Who are we?

Rectangle Consulting's Institute of Management Education and Analyses offers distance and flexible learning college courses and programs in Business, Economics, Political Science and much more. We offer a better option to those people who are interested in fast-track programs. 

Our Institution is fully autonomous and although our tuition is very low, we endeavour to provide high quality education. Students have to necessarily study a subject on sustainability as we are committed to lowering the carbon footprint.

Our worldview

At the Institute of Management Education and Analyses (i-mean), we integrate western brilliance of innovation with the eastern philosophy of self-containment and mindfulness to offer you world class online programs. Our case study approach blends with book reading (You have to read few books during the studies including bestsellers and the stuff written by the leading thinkers to complete your program of study) and finally when you successfully complete your program, you get that edge, not only of knowledge but of "implementation intelligence"

Research Programs

We offer an autonmous open school style doctoral program for those who are interested in high level business research. The students enrolled get a mentor during the entire program. This program is suitable for private sector professionals and researchers who are interested to take their learning to the next level. The program is equivalent to any top level global university. Write to us to know more.